Natural Medicine for Cancer?
New Zealand is the second-highest country for new cases of cancer when compared with Australia, United States, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Iceland, Norway, United Kingdom, Denmark, Syria, Bhutan, Algeria, Nepal, Oman, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Niger, Timor-Leste and India (according to a 2016 study).
The survival rates of chemo-assisted cancer sufferers after 5 years in Australia and the US are < 13% for cancer of the cervix, ovary, esophagus, brain, lung, breast, colon, stomach, bladder, kidney, pancreas, prostate, uterus, and for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, with minor benefits for the survivors (according to a 2004 issue of the Clinical Oncology Journal), possibly due to permanent irreparable damage of body organs and systems.
It is the sickness of the person, rather than the cancer, that causes a person to become chronically sick.
The majority of “cancer deaths” are related to the various unresolved causes of cell mutation and tumour growth, rather than the cancer cells themselves.
7 Combined Causes
Our internal human physiology and biochemistry is complex. This is why the approach of Holistic Medicine is to understand the effect of as many variables as possible in the influence of chronic disease in our bodies and to find appropriate remedies with negligible side effects.
Many people still believe that because some of our previous family members may have had cancer, then we are also likely to get cancer as a result of an inherited genetic trait. The other belief is that cancer is a disease that has invaded us from some sort of source that is external to our body. But, is this really so? Or is it that we have been so accustomed to pointing the finger outwards in an attempt to guess the source of our health problems, that we have really forgotten to learn from looking inside ourselves?
Our genes are similar to light switches, which require an external stimulus or force (e.g. to flip the switch) to action a response (e.g. to produce light). So, in spite of having inherited some specific genes (like when one inherits a house with light switches), unless a particular stimulus occurs, these genes may never be switched on. This situation is covered in the field of Genetics by the fact that the interaction between a stimulus from our inner or outer environment and our genes is ultimately what can drive our internal body response. This means that if we protect our inner and outer environment by consciously following a positive lifestyle, and favouring positive behaviour, thought and emotional patterns, the likelihood of exposing ourselves to a damaging stimulus (that could trigger specific metabolic genes to switch on) would be low, although not null.
You may be able to obtain a basic idea of your current inner body environment and potential predisposition to cancer, depending on the answer to the following questions:
do you expose your body to constant self-abuse and neglect?
do you drink at least 2 L pure water/day?
do you usually consume foods that are more acidic than alkaline (e.g. red meat, coffee, fizzy drinks, milk chocolate)?
is your weekly exposure to or ingestion of synthetic toxins high (e.g. pesticides, cosmetics, endocrine-disruptors, food additives, household or industrial chemicals)?
have you consumed or do you often consume large quantities of acidic pharmaceuticals (including antibiotics or anti-depressants)?
do you drink much alcohol, smoke or take drugs on a frequent basis?
do you follow a high sugar (glucose or lactose) and high carb diet?
does your food include many synthetic food additives or contaminants?
do you usually consume nutritionally-deficient foods (e.g. processed, deep-fried or microwaved)?
do you regularly overeat or starve?
are you continuously stressed, and on fight, flight or freeze mode?
have you retained traumatic or programmed thought patterns or emotional distress (e.g. anger, guilt, lack of self-love, fear) for long periods of time?
do you expose yourself to excessive amounts of ionizing (e.g. X-rays) or non-ionizing EMF radiation (e.g. WIFI, cellphone, microwave)?
do you engage in frequent cardio- exercise to increase oxygen flow?
do you obtain at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep on most nights?
do you suffer from prolonged and frequent infections?
Our body requires a minimum amount of life-sustaining energy to be able to live. If we engage in self-destructive behaviours, whether done consciously or un-consciously, our body will undoubtedly end up needing to fight for its own life. Our normally healthy cells can be triggered into mutating and changing metabolism when there is either a lack of the basic necessities for life such as essential nutrients, oxygen, rest, water, or an increase of toxins or pathogenic microbe strains. These factors, if left unresolved, could end up creating additional cascading effects to the further detriment of our already declining health.
Below you will find seven true triggers of cancer:
1. Emotional distress
Our emotions create an internal energetic landscape. As human beings, we all need to experience our e-motions (energy in motion). But, do we stop their flow through a bottling up or repressive effect? Most cancer sufferers would have experienced the blockage of several strong negative emotions in their system for long periods of time. They have been found to show similar emotional-mental traits as those who have previously committed suicide (e.g. from disruptive family relations, and emotional detachment from or between parents). These strong emotions can include anger or rage, frustration, guilt, shame, resentment, jealousy, hatred, fear, low self-worth or self-love. When left unresolved for a long time, they can distort the energy of our cells and chakras and influence disease.
2. Nutrient deficiency or starvation (e.g. iodine, vitamins, trace elements)
This can occur when engaging in the following behaviours:
excessive consumption of processed, or microwaved foods (which may also affect the “energetic fingerprint” of food)
eating at irregular hours or eating large meals late at night, with consequent partial digestion or build-up of putrified waste in our bowels, which promotes the growth of pathogenic microbes and reduces full nutrient absorption or assimilation
eating non-nutritious food, whether it is due to our own food selection or preferences or due to a depletion in soil nutrients (e.g. from excessive use of pesticides, which could alter the endogenous microbial ecology that produces some essential soil nutrients).
3. Energy, voltage and oxygen deficiency
We all need energy (in the form of ATP) and oxygen to be produced in our bodies to survive, which are fundamental for efficiently driving our internal processes and sustaining good health. Our internal biochemistry and various processes are driven by the transfer of energy (via high energy state electrons) when breaking down ATP. ATP is a molecule that stores high-energy state electrons and so it is like a rechargeable battery that stores energy in our body. It is produced from our food by our mitochondria inside our cells, which are analogous to small generators. Our overall change of metabolism would prevent us from generating an adequate amount of ATP energy. ATP is fundamental for fuelling living processes such as immunity, respiration, nutrient assimilation, circulation or removal of waste products, and without it, these processes would be impaired. This is because the number of electrons that are available to drive essential processes would have decreased significantly, while the amount of lactic acid and other waste products increases.
Our cells require sodium/potassium ion pumps to pump nutrients in and waste products out, and to keep the cell at the correct healthy voltage. The ion pumps are powered by ATP energy. When this energy is low, less nutrients will be able to be assimilated, regardless of whether they have been ingested. Likewise, less waste products will be able to be eliminated and would accumulate inside the cells. And, the voltage of the cell would begin to drop. The cellular voltage of cancer cells is significantly lower (20mV) than that of normally healthy cells (70 - 100 mV) (PEMF: The 5th Element of Health). A downward spiral in our health could initiate that would start to trigger further negative feedback loops.
The average adult human body requires approximately 40 kg of oxygen daily. When oxygen is available (via aerobic respiration through the Krebs cycle), we obtain 1900% more energy (38 molecules of ATP) than during anaerobic respiration (2 molecules of ATP, without oxygen, and with lactic acid as a by-product). The physiologist Otto Warburg, a 1931 Nobel Prize Winner of Physiology or Medicine, stated that “when you deprive a cell of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours it may become cancerous.” If there is insufficient oxygen available, our cells will change their metabolism to anaerobic respiration (also known as fermentation or lactic acid cycle), inducing cell mutation.
Although cancer cells metabolize 8 times faster than normal healthy cells, they are much less energy efficient. This is one of the reasons why cancer patients have so little energy.
4. Pathogenic microbes and parasites
Most pathogenic microbes favour acidic and anaerobic environments, which lead to less energy and oxygen; and, increased waste build-up, toxicity, infection, chronic pain, inflammation and illness. A decrease in body pH and oxygen, and an increase in the availability of sugar are precursor factors that may influence our internal microbial or parasitic landscape. An increase in our pathogenic microbial fauna would prompt a change in our metabolism (e.g. less aerobic and more anaerobic), and an increase in the concentration of potentially cancer-causing toxins. For example, an increase in the abundance of:
Candida fungal strains, as a result of a prolonged increase in human sugar consumption or due to a decrease in our beneficial microbes from an excessive use of antibiotics
the mutated form of usually harmless bacteria (e.g. Bacillus licheniformes) into fungal-like strains
Epstein-Barr virus (e.g. for sufferers of Hodgkin’s disease, lymphoma and breast cancer) or hepatitis C virus
Metazoan eukaryotes (e.g. Opisthorchis viverrini, Clonorchis sinensis and Schistosoma haematobium)
Helicobacter pylori
the intestinal fluke Fasciolopsis buski
Human Papilloma Virus and Rubeola (measles), in lung cancer
According to the researcher Dr Gary Wade, the release of specific chemicals by microbes into our cells may cause a disruption of the ion gates located on our cell membranes. The change in electrical conductivity and in the biochemical environment (electroporation) from a reduced intake of nutrients, water and oxygen, and a buildup of toxins and waste, would reduce ATP generation. These significant changes would then be able to trigger the potential expression of specific metabolic genes, to stimulate our cells to become cancerous.
5. Toxic overload
Toxins and unstable chemical radicals can cause extensive mitochondrial damage, which are the ATP energy producers of our body. When we have been subjected to prolonged energy-depleting toxicity crises as a result of a lifetime of exposure to synthetic carcinogenic toxins (e.g. food additives; packaging; alcohol; combustion products from smoking; industrial, environmental or work-related chemicals, chemotherapy), and/or the anaerobic metabolism of our associated microbes (and cancer cells), cancer cells can further propagate and flood our body. According to Dr Richard Loyd, most cancers are also toxic themselves, as they have been found to contain mercury.
6. Dehydration
Water is essential for life sustenance. It is necessary in the correct amount so that:
cell clumping is minimised
blood and lymph circulation is increased
nutrients are transported adequately to their appropriate sites
toxins and waste products are efficiently removed
most biochemical reactions take place.
7. Over-exposure to radiation from Electric or Electro-Magnetic Fields (ELF-EMFs)
ELF-EMFs are emitted by various sources, including plugpoints, WIFI, cellphones, cordless phones, smart meters, microwaves, and electrical towers. ELF-EMFs were classified in 2002 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a component of the World Health Organization, as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, based on some evidence from human studies in relation to childhood leukemia. In 2015, the European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks reviewed electromagnetic fields including those generated by cell phones. It concluded that low frequency fields showed an increased risk of childhood leukemia with estimated daily average exposures above 0.3 to 0.4 μT, according to epidemiologic studies.
Over-exposure to ELF-EMFs causes a clumping of our red blood cells (RBCs). This is achieved by a lowering of the positive external charge of the cell, which decreases cellular voltage and cell repelling capability, and promotes cell clumping. Because the main function of our RBCs is to transport oxygen, as the surface area of our RBCs is reduced and blood and lymph circulation is decreased, so is our oxygen capacity.
In order to sustain good health and have a strong immune system, both our biochemical, energetic and microbial internal environment need to be in balance (toxin load, synthetic chemicals, alcohol, sugars, pH, ATP, aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, fungi, viruses). We all follow different lifestyles and food preferences, which end up creating the favourable or unfavourable landscape for microbial, energetic or biochemical imbalance. The biochemistry and energetic landscape of our internal body is significantly influenced by our microbial inner world, which is also shaped by our food consumption. The higher the number of unfavourable microbes releasing toxins into our body, the higher the likelihood of our cell voltage becoming disrupted via a malfunction of the ion gates. When our inner cell voltage decreases, chronic illness ensues.
Suggested Therapies
ozone therapy - cancer cells, chemical radicals and pathogenic microbes become oxidized by ozone. In cancer cells, this is because they lack the catalase enzyme that healthy cells produce to protect themselves from chemical radicals. Ozone will also stimulate an immune cascading effect. Oxygen is a positive by-product of ozone, which is scarce in cancer patients. Oxygen is required for most biochemical processes in our bodies, but also for creating ATP energy in its role as an electron acceptor
correct diet - cancer cells ferment sugar, therefore a sugar-free diet is essential. Pathogenic microbes thrive in acidic environments, so a more alkaline environment decreases the risk of chronic disease. For example, in order to maintain constant healthy body pH, the alkalizing mineral calcium is removed from our bones when our bodies are too acidic (which can influence the onset of osteoporosis). Acidic environments also contain less electrons than alkaline environments, which would mean less available energy for key living processes.
A Gerson diet comprised of 80% raw living food, mostly in the form of fresh vegetable juices, can be highly beneficial.
Increasing the intake of some essential natural nutrients over a 3-month period, for example phosphatides and lipoproteins (e.g. flax oil and cottage cheese), has been shown to decrease the size of tumours and restore energy.
Increasing the intake of natural anti-cancer compounds (e.g. BCL2 gene inhibitors) and/or supplements is key to improving the internal landscape of cancer sufferers
regular detox of major organs (e.g. liver, gall bladder, kidney, colon) and anti-pathogen-parasite protocols
emotional-mental healing (e.g. Vibrational Medicine, Meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga, counselling)
Bio-Energy Frequency and energy healing therapies that may unblock chakras, meridians, increase cell voltage, help to reduce microbial pathogens, and improve the functioning of the sodium/potassium ion pumps for improved toxin removal, nutrient absorption and oxygen flow.
Cancer is a survival mechanism of the body in response to a drastic change of metabolism (less aerobic and more anaerobic), with the consequent result of further decreasing oxygen and increasing toxin production in the body. An oxygenated body, with a balanced microbial landscape, the correct supply of nutrients and naturally-occurring anti-cancer compounds, adequate pH, low sugar, correct cell voltage and low toxin load, should not develop cancer. This is because the body would not see the reason for doing this, as there would be no threat of survival. We have still much to learn and change if our final goal is to attain true sustainable health.