The Emotion-Disease Link

Does prolonged emotional distress (e.g. anger, frustration, anxiety, grief, worry, fear) impact our internal organs and cause disease?

The answer is YES! But, did you know that Vibrational Medicine techniques are an excellent option for releasing stress?

We can safely use a metaphor to highlight that we are made of several "bodies" including our physical bodymental bodyspiritual body and emotional body. Whatever happens in our emotional body is mirrored in our physical body. Our e-motions (energy in motion) are made of energy that needs to flow. When emotions become blocked or are not acknowledged or expressed, they can create energetic distortions within our cells, tissues and organs. When a negative emotion has remained blocked in us for a long time, it can lead to a chronic disease. This is because negative feelings can be turned into biochemical responses in our body through the mind-body connection.

Ayurvedic 'chakra' AND EMOTIONAL STRESS

Emotional distress can also impact upon the correct balanced functioning of our major chakras, the energy centres of our bodies, by blocking the inflow of the higher spiritual or cosmic energies. Each major chakra is linked via our endocrine system to the nerve plexus and glandular centre. It is also connected with a specific physiologic system (e.g. reproductive, genitourinary, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous). Because the chakras provide sustaining subtle energy to the organs of our body, any emotional distress can cause a blockage of energy at the chakra level, which can then manifest as disease in any organ system of our body. For example, a blockage in our heart chakra, located in the centre of our chest region, may have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the thymus gland and immune defence system.

How emotions and organs are connected in alternative medicine

In Chinese Medicine, each one of our internal organs is associated with a specific emotion (e.g. liver with anger/frustration; spleen with worry; lungs with anxiety and grief; kidneys with fear). Therefore, excessive anger can damage the liver by adversely affecting its energy flow. The change in energy is evident by reddening of the face due to the upward movement of energy and blood. In a similar way, a dysfunctional organ may also cause an emotional disturbance. 

In Ayurveda (ancient Indian/Sri Lankan Naturopathy dating > 5,000 years), the concept of agni (or fire) is directly linked to our good health. Agni is the energy that powers our cells, tissues and organs. There are at least 40 types of agni in our bodies, depending on their physiological function and location. Impaired agni can affect the three dosha energies that lie within (Pitta, Vata and Kapha). Negative thoughts and emotions can also cause an imbalance in our dosha energies. Imbalances in our doshas then can lead to imbalances in our long-term health. Emotions, thoughts, food, pathogens, pharmaceuticals and toxins all carry a specific "energetic signature".

The energetic (and biochemical) properties of flowers, plants, trees and seeds have been used by indigenous people for thousands of years to heal emotional, mental and physical imbalances. Their true power lies in their ability to cause an energetic shift in ourselves by freeing us from emotional or mental energy blockages (the vibrational disharmonies that can cause dis-ease). Emotional Healing using Vibrational Plant Medicine is an excellent tool available to humankind for healing many 21st century ailments. 

Energetic distortions and blockages can also be released using powerful Quantum Energy Healing Therapy or Sound Frequency Therapy. Energy can be integrated into the body to then unify and update your vibrational electromagnetic field of your cells and body for optimal health.

Alternatively, the Energy Field of your cells can be analysed using a computerised Scanning System (bioenergy scanning) to identify the underlying energy distortions that are contributing to your health problems. The energy distortions can be corrected by using biofeedback (another form of a Vibrational Medicine), or adapting your lifestyle in line with the results and advice obtained.