Ozone | 3 Oxygen atoms
$30 - 95 | 1 - 40 min
NOTE: If this is your first consultation with us, we will need to book you in for a 60 min Initial Health Consultation to learn about your medical background and carry out a pre-assessment prior to the ozone/ozonide therapy.
Ozonide Therapy (for nasal route of administration) - when using an oil bubbler, ozone is converted into long-chain ozonides or Lipid Oxidation Products (LOPs). These molecules retain ozone’s therapeutic properties, without producing the lung-irritating side effects that could occur when directly breathing pure ozone.
medical Ozone Is known to be able to deal with, at least, 114 diseases (Shoemaker 2005). Ozone’s additional oxygen atom oxidises bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, And toxins. Ozone HELPS TO eliminate waste products and increases oxygenation.
Ozone therapy* has been used effectively since the 1800s. The use of ozone is currently a medically recognised therapy in > 18 countries. Ozone is a powerful, natural and safe antimicrobial that has been used for operating theatre rooms, swimming and spa pools, and drinking water.
The lack of oxygen and buildup of toxins in some areas of the body is a key trigger to the development and progression of most diseases. Dr. Otto Warburg (MD, 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine) confirmed that this oxygen deficit and subsequent toxin buildup is the fundamental cause of all degenerative disease, including cancer. Some toxins are in the form of free radicals that can cause excessive oxidative damage. Ozone can inactivate many of these free radicals while simultaneously oxygenating your body and boosting your immunity.
The CE certified Ozone Generator used at NatuneHeal is a leading model with cutting-edge quartz and titanium tube technology. It produces medical grade ozone for your benefit.
At NatuneHeal, the ozone or ozonides are delivered via 5 main routes (nasally, rectally, vaginally, via ear insufflation, or topically using the limb bagging or cupping method) to neutralise microbes, toxins, or cancer cells, and increase oxygenation. Ozonides are a derivative of ozone and are administered nasally. Ozone may be delivered using a single use sterile catheter, a specialised non-reactive bag, an inverted silicone cup, or a modified stethoscope.
The inflammation of the affected area can be mitigated and blood circulation is maximised, thereby reducing pain. The procedure is painless and can be highly beneficial for many conditions, including:
autoimmune disease
chemical toxicity or poisoning
chronic pain
internal or topical infections (viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic)
* The Scientific Secretary of the President of the “Istituto Superiore di Sanita” (ISS) [The Superior Health Institute] authorised the use of Ozone Therapy for the treatment of COVID-19 positive patients in Italy, according to a letter that was sent on 24 March 2020 to The Scientific Society of Oxygen and Ozone Therapy. Learn more about this information HERE.
Ozone Therapy for Breast Cancer: An Integrative Literature Review (2024)
The role of ozone treatment as integrative medicine. An evidence and gap map (2023)
Oxygen-ozone therapy in meningoencephalitis and chronic fatigue syndrome (2019)
Ozone therapy for the treatment of chronic wounds: A systematic review (2018)
Clinical utility of ozone therapy for musculoskeletal disorders (2018)