Bio-Energy Frequency Therapy
$95 - 175 | 60 - 120 min
Energy Medicine
All illness begins as an energetic disburbance
Energy Medicine is a holistic science that can profoundly affect our chemistry, biology, genetics, immunology, psychology, behaviour and emotional, mental, and spiritual state, for the better, by correcting our energetic imbalances at the cellular and molecular level.
Our atoms, molecules and cells are all “vortices of energy” and are also affected by other energy frequencies by the Universal Law of Resonance (whether the origin is from chemical contaminants, a lack of appropriate nutrition, pathogens, or a mental-emotional distress).
Energy moves as waves and vibrates at a rate or frequency (measured in Hertz units; 1 Hertz = 1 wave cycle/second). People that are able to remain at an optimally high energy frequency (e.g. 62 - 72 MHz) may be able to off-set the development of numerous illnesses. During illness the optimal energy frequency of our cells is lowered to 52 - 58 MHz, and to 40 - 42 MHz in chronic illnesses, such as cancer (24 - 26 MHz, for near death).
Our health (and dis-ease) operates in line with the laws of quantum physics. Science has measured that a normal healthy human cell usually carries an electrical charge of -70 to -90 mVolts; a cancer cell, however, shows a voltage at or above -20 mVolts.
We are now able to harness the power of energetic healing by combining ancient wisdom and Science with modern technology.
Modern Bio-Energy Frequency Therapy
New Therapy for the 21st century multidimensional human
The accuracy of this method relies on decades of research conducted in the field of Bio-Energetic Medicine by professional scientists and engineers.
BioEnergy Frequency Therapy (e.g. biofeedback, bioresonance) uses modern sophisticated instrumentation to rebalance your body by assisting with:
1. repairing and regenerating
2. amplifying energy
3. inverting any disharmonic energies or blocks
4. restoring any deficiencies in the body using complex homoeopathic or essence remedy frequencies.
The mortal oscillatory rates (MORs) of hundreds of pathogenic microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) have been mapped by Science. This means that the energetic signature of vibration of each of these pathogens has been determined. When the same energetic frequency is reproduced, a specific pathogen is able to be targeted without affecting our healthy cells, which are vibrating at a higher frequency.
The Sophisticated Equipment
A Breakthrough
for Assisting with Health & Dis-ease
Provides Safe and Drug-free Therapy for acute & chronic dis-eases using a non-surgical and non-invasive Frequency Healing Technology
Leading health technology has created the world’s most advanced, convenient and powerful portable healing therapy tool for you and your family.
The automatic and computer-operated equipment used at NatuneHeal uses transcutaneous voltammetric evoked potential bioresonance technology, which consists of both hardware and software, a frequency generating tool, and two rubber gel electrode pads for attachment close to the affected area. The sophisticated equipment may assist with pathogen control, injury repair, detox, allergies, stress reduction, and more. It integrates the sciences of mathematics, quantum physics, fractal dynamics, subspace theory, electronics, and computer programming, and includes:
· > 39,000 Programs (for various health conditions)
· approx. 350,000 frequencies
· up to 2 MHz Frequency
Some conditions that Bio-Energy Frequency Therapy may assist with:
Bio-Energy Frequency Therapy is used today to assist with regeneration and healing in > 1000 ailments, including serious health issues associated with:
· bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infections (e.g. Candida, Lyme dis-ease)
· blood, sugar levels, and circulation (e.g. hypertension
· bone complaints
· chemical poisoning/Detox
· chronic dis-ease (e.g. cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia)
· gastrointestinal tract
· glands
· headache
· inflammation
· injuries
· joints
· liver & gallbladder
· lymphatic system
· men
· mind & Emotions
· muscles
· nervous System & Brain
· parasites, protozoa and worms
· respiratory tract
· skin
· sleep
· stress
· tumours, benign
· ulcers
· urinary Tract
· women
· other acute & chronic dis-eases (through the use of organ-specific and detoxification frequencies).
Biological Effects of Energy Frequency Exposure (Zimmerman et al 2013)
4 in 1 Therapy
· blood purification
· zapping
· micro-frequency “Rife-style” therapy
· macro-frequency “Rife-style” therapy
Advanced protection and continuous monitoring ensures a safe moderation of the micro-frequencies that pass through your body. Built-in mechanisms exist for auto-regulation, auto-adjusting and safety shut-off, to avoid any potential for incidental over-treatment.
Are there any side effects?
The Herxheimer Reaction (a flu-like sensation) may occur with some nausea when the body mobilises more toxins than the body can eliminate. If this happens to you, you may feel worse before you feel better. This is a normal detoxification process of the body (healing crisis). Some reactions can include getting skin rashes, headaches and other aches and pains, which may last anywhere between 30 min to several days (or even weeks for severe cases).
The Blood Purifier
The original Blood Purifier was invented in 1991 by the brilliant physicist Robert C. Beck (aka Bob Beck), who was dedicated to finding affordable solutions to disease. His equipment helped to eliminate undesirable parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungi living in the blood through MicroPulsing (or Microcurrent Therapy) and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFt), key to making our immune system stronger. The duration of each session is 2 hours and works by outputting a steady negative polarity from one side and a steady positive polarity from the other side.
The Zapper
The original Zapper was invented by Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark. The signal from a Zapper differs from the Blood Purifier: lower voltage, non-reversible signal, and higher frequency. The duration of each session is 63 minutes.
Macro-frequency “Rife-style” Therapy
Macro-frequency Therapy may be able to assist with the thousands of health conditions that are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. This modality is used for health crises and serious health issues, including deep mental-emotional healing
Micro-frequency “Rife-style” Therapy
ATP is the main source of energy for every cellular reaction in the body. Micro-frequency therapy (in micro-amps) increases ATP production by 500% in injured tissue, speeding the recovery process.
Micro-frequency Therapy may also help to relieve pain and/or stiffness through muscle relaxation. Each type of tissue in our body responds to different energy frequencies. Specific frequencies can be chosen to encourage natural healing and pain reduction.
Micro-frequency Therapy is safe, and is recommended for any health conditions above the shoulders. It may assist with:
· acute (sudden) and chronic (long-term) musculoskeletal injuries
· acute and chronic neuropathic (nerve) pain
· arthritis
· asthma
· burns
· chronic fracture and bone pain
· concussion
· diabetic neuropathy
· disc injuries
· disc injuries/discogenic- and facet-based pain
· fibromyalgia
· headaches
· Irritable Bowel Syndrome
· kidney stones
· neuromas (overgrowth and scarring to a nerve after an injury)
· plantar fasciitis (pain in the heel and foot)
· shingles
· sports injuries
· tendinopathy (inflammation and/or swelling of the tendon)
· torticollis (the head is tilted to one side)
· viscerally-referred pain.
“Electrical stimulation physiologically plays a vital role in regulating many cellular processes, such as i.e., metabolic and intracellular signaling pathways, osmotic regulation, differentiation, gene expression, migration, proliferation, and programmed cell death...there is consensus within the scientific community regarding the existence of cancer cell-specific features exclusive to tumor cells that cannot be found in healthy tissue cells. Besides altered oncogene-, tumor promoter- and suppressor gene expression presented ubiquitously in cancer cells, these special cancer features are reported to lie in their distinct bio-electrical characteristics, such as their display of aberrant ion channel expression levels and membrane potentials...recently, it was proposed these cancer-specific characteristics might lay the ground for RF-EMF-induced cancer cell damage...the overexpression of oncochannels in cancer cells, the specific tumor microenvironment (i.e., enhanced contact area between cells, due to higher cell density), as well as altered membrane elasticities, might contribute to the enhancement of a potentially stimulative RF-EMF effect on ion channels and the cancer cell’s membranes. These phenomena may then result in potentially cancer cell fatal membrane oscillations, suggesting electro-mechanical consequences to cancer cells specifically.”
How many treatments will be required?
This will depend on whether your condition is acute or chronic, and on:
the current energy reserves of the client (which will determine the potential for self-healing)
the severity of the symptoms, or depth of the disease.
At your first session, the practitioner will discuss subsequent therapy needs for you. Even though some acute imbalances may be corrected after just one session, a series of sessions will generally tend to be most beneficial for most chronic conditions.
Sessions may range from once a week for 1-2 months, for simple conditions in a relatively healthy person, to thrice weekly to daily sessions for several months (minimum of 4 - 6 months), for seriously affected clients with impaired immunity (e.g. cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome).
Sessions may take up to 2 hours in length.
What is the price of these therapies?
Blood Purifier: 2 hours | $175
Zapper: 63 min | $95
Micro/Macro-frequency “Rife-style”: 45 min | $75
60 min | $95
pregnancy: if you are pregnant, you will not be able to receive this therapy until after your child has been born
pacemaker: if you are wearing a pacemaker, this therapy is probably not suitable for you
metal implants: if you have metal implants, this therapy can still be used as long as the electrodes are placed away from them to prevent any discomfort from minor potential heating
implanted pump: if you have an implanted pump in your body, this therapy is probably not suitable for you
seizures: if you suffer from seizures (e.g. epilepsy), this therapy is probably not suitable for you
creams, lotions or other applied chemicals: on the day of your appointment, please ensure that you do not use any creams, lotions or anything chemical on the skin surface that could interfere with the frequency signal. The skin area will need to be clean and dry